Cover: I thought this cover was extremely witty and appealing. It provides the setting for the story, and gives insight into the comedic writing of the series.
Story: A common enemy known as the Adversary has forced the inhabitants of
fairytales and fables into exile - smack dab into the hustle and bustle of New York City. There, they try to blend in with society and hide their secret in a luxurious apartment building known as Fabletown. Things seem to be going great - or as great as they can be for former characters of folklore.
But then Snow White's party-girl sister, Rose Red, disa
ppears. It's up to the Big Bad Wolf to play detective and determine if the guilty party is Bluebeard or Jack (of Beanstalk-climbing fame.)
Will the mystery be solved so Fabletown can move on peacefully, or will Snow White's incessant interference cause everything to be "Happily Never After?"
Review: I've always been a fan of alternate universes for stories we already know from heart (hint: BIG Superman review coming up on that!) Fables takes the characters we already know and love from childhood, and puts a grown-up spin on them. The humor is sarcastic, clever, and sometimes mature. Add to that the fact that Legends in Exile is a mystery that keeps you on the edge of your seat, and you've got one big party. I will definitely be continuing the series.
Rating: 5/5